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Cebiche de Conchas Negras

Cebiche de Conchas Negras

Conchas Negras or Black Scallops are abundant in the Northern Coast of Peru and enjoyed throughout the Southern Coast. It has been popular for many years for its succulent flavor, aphrodisiac and nutritional properties. However at the moment it is in danger of extinction and the consumption is limited from February 15th to March 31st.
Servings 2


1lb Conchas Negras (frozen in U.S.)

    1 Red onion, diced

      1 clove garlic, minced

        8 limes

          1 Rocoto, diced (could replace with habanero)

            1 tbsp cilantro, chopped

              1 tsp Rocoto Paste

                Salt to taste


                  Defrost the conchas with running cold water through with the seafood inside the bag still, and place in a bowl with the juice.

                    Season with salt to taste. Do not overly apply salt because the shellfish is salty.

                      Add the garlic and cilantro.

                        Mix thoroughly to get the flavors going.

                          Add the Rocoto or Habanero and the onions.

                            Add the lime juice, mix all ingredients together and let it marinate for 5 minutes.

                              If more lime juice is necessary, feel free to add.

                                Use your intuition for the best outcome of the dish, it will make the preparation even more fun and sexy!

                                  Garnish with Peruvian corn and sweet potato. Enjoy!