Nutritional Health Coach

Helen: Age 18

Once Helen became a teenager, she started gaining weight. She started losing confidence and feeling alone. When she came to see me, I helped her make the internal shift so she could start focusing on herself, change her eating habits,and change how she viewed herself so she could get the things that she wanted, including losing the extra weight and starting doing the things she loved and always wanted to do.
As an effect of the shift and a change in nutrition and mindset, she has lost 30 lbs permanently, gaining more confidence and becoming the best version of herself.

Emily: Age 55

Emily came to see me because she has had some health problems as a result of bad nutrition and stress. She has spent the last few years focusing on her family and not her, and ended up having high blood pressure and overweight problems. Amelia and I worked on creating new nutritional habits and helped her with ideas for more home cooking. She has been afraid most of her life to navigate her own kitchen, because she had a limited belief that she couldn’t cook. Now she is embracing cooking, and making delicious and healthy dishes for her and her family. She has lost 10 pounds and feels really good, and she is looking forward to losing more weight and naturally healing from her illnesses.

girl slimming before and after diet

Paula: 35

When I met Paula, she drank soda and constantly ate the wrong snacks. She didn’t like to eat too many fruits and vegetables because she thought it was boring. She was also under a lot of stress and would eat the wrong foods as a way of soothing and numbing herself, having her doctors diagnose her with prediabetes. Once she became aware of what she was doing to herself, she worked on her mindset and started making the right choices in food. She has lost 15 pounds and she is very happy with her results. Her glucose level has gone down and gained more energy to spend more time with her family and play with her daughter. Weight loss has definitely helped her become more confident and focus on what she loves.

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