My Kitchen Intuition Episode 2: World famous Ceviche!

By admin
December 4, 2023

hello, my name is Marita with my kitchen intuition where you will learn everything about Peruvian cuisine today I will teach you one of the most popular dishes in Peru ceviche stay tuned.

welcome back today we are going to talk about ceviche. ceviche is one of my favorite dishes and one of the most popular dishes in Peru the main ingredient for the ceviche is fish an ingredient that we have to give a lot of respect because it’s the base of the dish for this beach fish has to be fresh that’s the secret for every good ceviche has to be fresh and the texture has to be firm.

so today if our fish is going to be Maki Maki and I love monkey for ceviche because it has a great texture and it’s taste is so delicious it’s not that many ingredients that are involved in ceviche pretty much depend on the quality of the fish that’s why we’re going to give so much respect to the fish that we are using the dish

so we’re going to make our ceviche now I already cut the fish and need to make sure that the fish is got properly – we cut the fish in cubes here and I have it in my ball that is actually chill we need to make sure that the ball is chill to keep the freshness of the fish so we got the fish here that is already cut and we’re going to add some salt normally use pink salt and I used the one that comes from Peru from the Marasouth banks it’s a salt bank that is located in Cusco and it’s just amazing it’s really good and when I go there I bring the salt from there so we always have to make sure that every protein that we cook has to be properly seasoned.

I’m sitting it with salt some people add pepper I don’t like to add pepper to ceviche I stick with salt and then we’re going to add this pepper which is called aji limo you can find aha lima frozen at any Latin American store and if you don’t find it you can also use our narrow pepper so we’re going to add a where a helium oh it’s going to spicy but it’s like a really good fruity flavor like it’s like it really pretty much like explodes in your mouth and he has this a fruity flavor along with the spiciness it’s really good so we’re going to mix with the fish and I’m going to add a little bit of cilantro and mix it up and then are going to add a couple of lines and I’m seeing a couple of lines because I already made separate leche de Tigre andI just gonna tell you briefly how I made it because in another episode I’m gonna exactly teach you how to make the Leche de Tigre

so we’re adding the lime and we just add a little bit we don’t have to squeeze the lime a lot otherwise we get the bitterness out of the line that comes from this white part in the better lime it will come into the ceviche knee will ruin it so when we squeeze the line we have to make sure that it’s just little bits of the juice and we’re gonna mix an oops I drop some and I think I’m going to add a little bit more I like my ceviche on the acidized side a little bit so I’m mixing this and I’m going to add some julienne red onions that I previously cut and I’m going to add and mix it with it so I’m mixing it I’m making the ceviche in away where you will eat it right after it’s done it’s mixing all the stuff we don’t eat seviche anymore that tastes around or it gets cooking the refrigerator for hours now these days because we have to select great ingredients and they make sure that the fish is really fresh we just cooked to order you know.

I’m showing you the way that we normally do it at a restaurant so I am going at this point to add my Leche de Tigre look at the Tigre I got lime juice I got ricotta pepper celery and I got garlic and I blend it all that together and then I strain it so this is what it looks like and I going to add a little bit oh my god so each is so good for everything and I can wait to teach you actually about everything about leche de Tigreand the different types of leche deTigre is that we have let you the Tigreis so good for you it’s a great I alwayslove actually giving people the reciperight after New Year’s Eve because it’sgreat for hangovers and also it’s agreat aphrodisiac so we are young mixingI’m going to add just a little bit andadd a little bit more salt to the citycheck and it’s readyhow simple is this and then we’re goingto add a little bit of onions on the topand we’re going to garnish with ourPeruvian corn or choclo and with acouple of pieces of sweet potato.

sweet potato is great for ceviche I remember my clients all the time in restaurants that they are good because count their part the acidity of the ceviche and the sweetness you know keeps that kind of flavorful sensation of mixing acidic with sweet and then we’re going to put a final garnish a piece of celery leaves and there you go you got your ceviche[Music]so there you have it my Peruvian ceviche way if you want to know the full recipe please visit my website my kitchen intuition calm and please don forget to follow like and subscribe and share with all your friends this channel my kitchen intuition where you can learn how to cook Peruvian cuisine using your intuition thank you next see you next time

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