Living with an Open Heart

By admin
July 27, 2023

Filling the world with love is a fabulous cause.

Yesterday I was talking with my friend Michelle about a personal situation that I was going through early this week and that I was able to handle in a much different way with a much better outcome. My friend recognized that this time I did the total opposite to what I used to do in the past, such filling myself with fear and making the wrong choices. She was so happy to see the woman that I am evolving to.

As I am sitting now typing this, I honestly don’t recognize the woman I used to be, scared, full of fears, always making things happen, all out of fear.

From being an overthinker and over analyzer, reactive and taking things personally all the time, I feel that finally, the chatter in my head is taking a break, I got tired of being tired!  My mind got exhausted of its tyranny and constant self criticism and projections in to others. It served its purpose and I am grateful for it, but now I shifted to listening to my heart. I am truly trusting the process and I am ok with the present moment, ok with what is. I trust that the universe always has my back.

Opening my heart and listening to it is a marvelous experience, really hard to explain. I made the decision to live my life base on love, with acceptance and compassion for me and others, specially for the little mad girl that used to live inside of me for many years. Accepting her and loving her has been one of the best gifts I had given to myself. In order for this to happen, it has taken me some years of raw true healing.

It is Valentine’s Day today, and while love should be expressed unconditionally at all times not in just one special day, I see that there are some people mad and disappointed, I used to be like that. However, I am happy!  happy because I am alive and learning, because I am growing and finally living my life with plenitude, on my terms and because the way things are now, I accept and keep living my life.



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